1) Clean the house. You will find you are ready to write when it's time to vacuum.
2) Write something else, anything other than your current project. It can be a short story, a haiku, a limerick (although if it doesn't originate from Limerick, Ireland, it's only sparkling rhymes), or even a fictional poisoned pen letter (I said FICTIONAL, people). This can shake the rust off of the writing gears.
3) Make a deadline and announce it to the world. Tell your parents, tell your partner, let everyone know on social media. You will succumb to the exponentially increasing pressure as it reaches its zenith and forces you to write.
4) Do something else creative that doesn't involve writing. Paint, dance, cook, or go crazy with some Play-Doh
5) Give in to it. That's right, just give up (for the moment). Sometimes blocks just gotta block, you know? So just resign to be blocked and go about your business. It will come back to you. Remember how when you decided to stay single, all of sudden everyone wanted to date you? It's like that.
That's what I have for unsolicited advice today. What is your trick for unblocking the creative flow?
