It happened again. I blinked, and time had its way with me. It's 2023, and everything is complete chaos again. I have tried to "monetize" (gah...I hate that word) my creativity and have straight up failed. Fortunately, failure was an option. I'm going back to my day job.
It will be okay (my new mantra). My day job is fulfilling, it pays well, and all it requires is for me to rip out my heart every day and feed it to the masses (a voluntary Prometheus). I can do it. I've done it before...I can do it?
It will be nice to have the structure provided by a work schedule. 13 hour shifts mean I can count on sleeping, eating, showering and that's it on the days I work. There is something freeing about that (and I'm not being facetious here). There's no guilt when you know there really weren't enough hours in the day to finish editing that book, or soldering that pendant. (Did I mention I'm a metalsmith, too? Probably a hundred times.)
I have been fortunate to have the time to explore my creative side, and I have no intention of stopping, it will just have to be more sporadic. Life never goes in the directions we expect, and who knows, maybe changing things up will open different doors for me. I'll take every opportunity I can get.
“You take every opportunity given you in this world, even if you have too many opportunities. One day, the opportunities stop, you know.”
― John Irving, The Hotel New Hampshire
