The fabric of time has split and shifted and once again I am in awe of how very fast the years go by, even though Februaries last eons.. I have changed in so many ways, grown, flown, cried, lost, and won. I have traveled and stayed home, worked and rested, have been sick and healthy. I've loved and I've hated (okay, I don't hate, but extremely dislike), there have been challenges and days of unappreciated ease.
As a nurse I have seen the cycle of life play out over and over again and it never fails to inspire me to live-really live. And that means putting it all out there, swinging from the vine of life and yelling at the top of my lungs, exposing who I really am even to those from whom I fear judgement.
In that spirit, I have published my first book of poetry. Some of it is new, some is the reworked ramblings of a shy high school version of me, the college pseudointellectual me, the know-it-all independent adult, wings still wet from the shell. All of it contains my irrepressible humor, the vine that supports me as I swing out into the void.
